100 new members in 6 weeks

Fitness Renegades is an Australian-based strength and conditioning center that focuses heavily on helping their clients achieve their fitness goals and change their lives for the better, covering all bases from nutrition to personalised training support. Fitness Renegades was already doing well prior to working with Attain with the business generating roughly $10,000 per week but they knew they could do more. They just needed more leads, and more hours in the day.

Despite the success, the company’s founder, Chaucer, was struggling to keep his work-life balance in a good place. He had to work insane amount of hours every single just to keep up the momentum of Fitness Renegades which meant that he didn’t have enough time to spend with his family let alone taking care of himself. Chaucer wasn’t just running the business, building the team, he was also trying to manage the marketing. Chaucer had big dreams for the business, but something had to give.

Chaucer reached out to Attain to assist him with lead generation, allowing him to regain time, implement new marketing initiatives but also, scale the business in terms of size and revenue. After our discussions with Chaucer, we settled on these goals for Fitness Renegades:

  • Provide top-notch marketing support to the business hence allowing Chaucer and his team to spend more time on giving excellent service to their clients
  • Steadily grow the business’ client base and monthly revenue
  • Improve lead generation in addition to cutting down costs in an effort to increase profit levels

Since working with Attain, Fitness Renegades grew to a staggering weekly revenue of $35,000—more than 3x the initial revenue of the business when the partnership first started. Attain also managed to bring in more than enough clients to Fitness Renegades including an impressive 6-week period where more than 100 new members signed up for the business’ programs. And the growth hasn’t stopped.

With stress-free lead generation and the most valuable gift of time, Chaucer is expanding his business to a new facility with more coming soon.

Not only have we provided far more competitive lead costs than the client could achieve on his own, we are also constantly innovating new marketing, new ad delivery systems, and new platforms to optimise and improve the client experience with FR marketing. Attain also assisted in content marketing which helped Fitness Renegades to build trust among it’s existing and potential clients and establishing the business as experts within the community.

Today, our marketing strategies allow Fitness Renegades to gain more than 100 leads each month while the business itself is projected to earn close to $2,000,000 this year. With our work, Chaucer is finally able to manage the main services of his business as well as spending more time with his family and his newborn twins—a far cry from his one-man struggles a year back.



    1177 Leads

    Over 6 Months

  • pc-icon

    $33.54 CPL

    Cost Per Lead

  • dollar-icon

    $35,000 Weekly Revenue

    Increased for $10,000

  • rocket-icon


    Return on ad spend (ROAS)


Take the first step to double your leads and sales by booking your FREE 45 Minute Marketing Audit Call Today.